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Writer's pictureDana Manciagli

Guilty As Charged: Ableism Is Everywhere

What is ableism? Well, we all know about sexism, racism, ageism, etc. Ableism is more than a word in this list of “isms.” Ableism is a little-known but widely systematic and negative bias affecting persons with disabilities. Simplified, ableism is discrimination or prejudice against a person with a disability.

Rebekah Taussig, author of Sitting Pretty and a Ph.D. in creative nonfiction and disability studies, challenges the traditional dictionary versions and provides her definition, coming from her chair of permanent paralysis: “Ableism is the process of favoring, fetishizing, and building the world around a mostly imagined, idealized body while discriminating against those bodies perceived to move, see, hear, process, operate, look, or need differently from that vision.”

Suppose we expand our definition of a person with a disability to include those with any motor, auditory, perception, vision or learning challenge. In that case, we add a lot more people to this list. Know that many disabilities are invisible. Now, expand your thinking to how persons with disabilities are excluded from activities, both face-to-face and online. That is discrimination.

Before I expand on my personal guilt, I want to share three reasons why I’m writing this piece.

1. I am one of the country’s top job search experts, focused on populations facing the highest discrimination in the hiring world. I built a system for job seekers to follow and land meaningful employment.

2. In my seven-year journey to build a candidate success solution, I dived deep into the misleading numbers of “low unemployment.” There are too many categories of high employment to list here. Some examples are Baby Boomers (ageism), U.S. military veterans, military spouses, underserved communities (with low access to college degrees) and persons with disabilities.

In 2017, 18.7% of people with a disability were employed, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. The employment-population ratio for those without a disability, in contrast, was 65.7%. The average annual income for a disabled person was $25,400 less than for a nondisabled person.

3. I am a person with a disability. You see, some disabilities are visible, but many are invisible, and our bodies can shift in and out of a “disabled” state. I have battled cancer three times throughout my career and now live with stage IV metastatic breast cancer… the last stage. I recently had one potential client say, “I’m not sure we can go with your service since we don’t know how long you’ll be around.” That’s ableism.

I’m not perfect; here are a few dumb things I have said and done concerning ableism. What about you?

• I’ve held meetings in places that were not friendly to people with disabilities. There was no consideration of the time, physical location or room layout. I didn’t think to ask attendees if they needed any special accommodations.

• In the grocery store, I have walked up to someone in a wheelchair and said, “Do you need help?” They are adults, perfectly capable of living their life without me. They can pick their yogurt flavors and check out. It is better just to smile and say hello if that’s what you do while strolling down the aisle. Don’t help them without asking, either!

• When I first built my online course, I had no video captions, image descriptions or accessibility technology built in. It never even crossed my mind. Now, all my courses have the accessibility technology (AT) by meeting a standard compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). However, just because I meet the technology standard doesn’t mean that it’s usable by those with auditory, visual, motor and perception challenges. My company is doing usability studies right now and finding glaring faults in our solution.

• I’ve gone out of my way to say, “Oh, let me get the elevator for you!” I just shined a bright shiny light on the fact that they are different. But guess what? They can reach the elevator call button just fine!

• I’ve asked a person personal questions about their disability. But I don’t usually ask total strangers to tell me their ailments or how they do certain things. Just because they are disabled does not mean they are here to teach us about life with their disability. Avoid asking caregivers, as well. It can be equally annoying.

• I’ve called people with disabilities “brave” or “inspiring.” This can be very patronizing. Save the praise for someone bungee-jumping or climbing Mount Everest.

Here are a few more essential don’ts. The following list might get you started in thinking differently — a lot differently.

• Don’t shout. Louder is not better.

• Don’t lean on or move a wheelchair without permission.

• Don’t distract a service dog (and petting is distracting them).

• Don’t rush a person with a speech impediment or stutter. Please don’t fill in the blanks for them; please do have patience!

We Have Good Intentions

In a world where most people are just trying to be kind, we need to ensure empathy trumps kindness. We need to imagine what it’s like to receive baby talk, unsolicited advice and unsolicited prayers and have a light shine on us like a Martian from outer space.

To quote Rebekah Taussig again, “A group is marginalized because society marginalizes them. Society also has the power to change that. What would it mean for disabled folks if society saw us as acceptable, equal, valuable parts of the whole?”

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